機械廠配套采購仁龍五金 GB47-620 400N 氣彈簧,60支,3.OEM,貼牌生(born)産,不(No)允許有貴司商标,我(I)們(them)生(born)産需求。 福建 廈門
采購氣動阻尼 氮氣彈簧,氣動阻尼;DADCO,氮氣彈簧LJ.750.125.TO,每套配套法蘭90.321.00750 、卡簧、内六角螺栓;24套(後面還有幾十套需求);技術要(want)求:安裝壓蓋處絲牙改爲(for)M8,絲牙深10M,最終使用(use)廠家:江蘇天淮鋼管有限公司。 江蘇 淮安
采購康迪泰克空氣彈簧,請技術對接,做技術交流。 江蘇 蘇州
采購空氣彈簧 空氣減震 圖,首單5-8個(indivual),後面還有幾個(indivual)需求,設備上面用(use)的(of)。 江蘇 蘇州
采購氣彈簧,樣品各2pcs,這(this)兩種3000隻每種,開發階段的(of),比這(this)個(indivual)支撐力更大(big),數量沒法估計 。 上海
北京汽車廠配套采購河北隆昌汽車 氣彈簧,首單氣彈簧10000套。 河北 滄州
出(out)口采購奔馳座椅 點火開關 空氣彈簧,到(arrive)伊朗的(of),先各要(want)500件,長期需求。 山東 青島 We will need their catalog Quantity: 500Pcs. of driver seats Payment: FCA and in Euro Important: The products must have: 3 points safety belt, rotation , armrest, lumber support and as per attached diagram) Please review the attached enquiry of IGNITION SWITCH, Mercedes Benz item No is P/N 667 462 0330 AND / OR BENZ P/N 668 545 0067. provide us with the names of producers who can make OEM quality and meet all the requirements mentioned in this enquiry and attachments. Please find attached the technical drawing and a photo and provide us with the technical drawing and photo with the catalogue. Initial Quantity: 500Pcs. Payment: FCA and in Euro Important: Please inform them as well that after getting the technical documents, the OEM client will require a sample as well Please find attached the technical data sheet and drawing for 2 types of air spring bellows, Mercedes Benz item No is P/N 000 327 0101 (N644) and N662 (N644 - rear and N662). Quantity: -1000 Pcs. of Benz P/N 000 327 0101 (N644) -500Pcs. of N662 (as per attached drawing and data) Payment: FCA and in Euro
采購KHG90-10氣彈簧,先50個(indivual),什麽價格?後面還有50套需求。 北京
采購河北隆昌汽車零部件 氣彈簧,我(I)們(them)要(want)的(of)多,聯系一(one)下。 湖南 永州
噴霧機廠家配套采購上海震飛汽車零部件 氣彈簧,年需求氣彈簧100萬,對接我(I)們(them)。 安徽 合肥
采購氣彈簧 圖,4個(indivual),我(I)們(them)生(born)産需求,年80件+。 廣西 柳州
整車廠配套采購氣撐杆 氣彈簧,新項目需要(want)氣撐杆一(one)般乘用(use)車用(use),直徑18,滿足技術要(want)求對接一(one)下,我(I)司以(by)SOR 的(of)形式發你們(them),年十萬輛車,單車兩根,20萬根,包含支架 球頭。 山西
采購氣彈簧 圖,3個(indivual),維修用(use)。 廣東 東莞
采購氣彈簧,行程20,總長71(不(No)含接頭),首單24個(indivual),年1萬元需求。 重慶
機器人(people)廠家配套采購工業氣彈簧,行程20,最大(big)排氣力400N,總長 71(含螺紋長度 不(No)含接頭),接頭我(I)們(them)這(this)邊不(No)需要(want) 螺紋M5的(of),需要(want)24個(indivual),我(I)們(them)這(this)邊采購氣彈簧是(yes)用(use)來(Come)減震的(of),生(born)産機器人(people)的(of)。 重慶