科美西迪實業有限公司? 請問你們(them)CD機芯那個(indivual)系列好一(one)點啊?是(yes)車機的(of)CD機芯,我(I)是(yes)問你公司生(born)産的(of)車載CD機芯那個(indivual)系列好一(one)點?
深圳市徐港電子有限公司? 你好. 問下您那邊 車載方案這(this)塊的(of)負責人(people)是(yes)哪位 ? 還是(yes)方工麽 ? 主要(want)車載CD 要(want)找你們(them)方案那個(indivual)同事 我(I)上次找的(of)方工. 問下你 現在(exist)不(No)是(yes)方興負責了(Got it)? 是(yes)哪位 沒找到(arrive)他(he)人(people)
南京博融電子有限公司? HCD101 想了(Got it)解一(one)下這(this)個(indivual)機器的(of)功率,我(I)要(want)30部這(this)樣
深圳市瑞寶電子有限公司? 這(this)裏有FD-6099 的(of)說明書嗎?車載DVD,我(I)買過這(this)個(indivual)産品,但不(No)知道怎麽用(use)。把說明書發在(exist)我(I)QQ郵箱裏好嗎?謝謝
深圳科美西迪實業有限公司 求購“車載CD、DVD”,各50,3款, OPTION 1 (Single device with the following specifications) a.. Dual zone (Separate Driver and passenger output and source = selection and volume control). b.. 24 VDC power supply. c.. DVD and MP3 player. d.. Radio (AM, FM). e.. 1 Microphone (priority) input. f.. 1 video output. g.. Audio power 4=D720 W RMS. h.. 1 Composite input (Video Audio) from an external device. The external device for option 1 above with the following = specifications: a.. 24 VDC power supply. b.. DVD and MP3 player. OPTION 2 (Single device with the following specifications) a.. Single zone. b.. 24 VDC power supply. c.. DVD and MP3 player. d.. Radio (AM, FM). e.. 1 Microphone (priority) input. f.. 1 video output. g.. Audio power 2=D720 W RMS. OPTION 3 (Single device with the following specifications) a.. Single zone. b.. 24 VDC power supply. c.. MP3 player. d.. Radio (AM, FM). e.. Audio power 2=D720 W RMS.
請問是(yes): 深圳科美西迪實業有限公司嗎 ?呵呵。我(I)這(this)邊是(yes)深圳航順國際貨運有限公司的(of),請問你們(them)做出(out)口嗎?